App-Free Digital Wallet

App-free digital wallet access for any building.

Secure and reliable digital keys for your property, effortlessly distributed via Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet.

Get Started Today

Secure digital access with insightful analytics, no app needed.

Enhance your building's efficiency and security with B-Line's Digital Access Wallet. This advanced system lets staff, tenants, and authorized personnel access secure areas using their smartphones, seamlessly integrating with Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet. Gain valuable insights on space usage and facility management, optimizing your operations with real-time data.
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Secure Digital Access

Seamless Smartphone Access
Enhance operations with secure, convenient smartphone-based entry, eliminating the need for physical keys and dedicated apps.

Effortless Compatibility
Integrates seamlessly with existing building systems, including locks and access points, without requiring an overhaul.

No App Required
Enjoy the simplicity and convenience of app-free digital access, directly through Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet.

Real-Time Analytics

Gain deeper insights with B-Line's powerful analytics dashboard, transforming access data into valuable information on space and facility usage.
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Apple Wallet

Experience the ease of secure access with Apple Wallet, allowing keys to be stored directly on iPhone or Apple Watch, eliminating the need for additional apps or physical keys.
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Google Wallet

Streamline access with Google Wallet, offering a simple and secure way to store and use digital keys on  Android devices, providing a seamless, app-free entry solution.
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Samsung Wallet

Benefit from the convenience of Samsung Wallet, where digital keys can be managed on Samsung devices, ensuring secure access without the need for a separate app.
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More Access

A key that works directly with digital wallets, no app download required.

Say goodbye to the hassle of downloading and managing additional apps. With B-Line, everyone from guests and staff to residents and visitors gains instant, app-free entry, while you unlock valuable data on space utilization, optimizing your property's operations effortlessly.
People can access secure areas using their existing digital wallets, eliminating the need for additional apps and reducing administrative overhead.
Instantly adjust access permissions in real-time, ensuring security and operational flexibility without the need for physical keycards.
Gain actionable insights into how spaces are utilized, allowing for data-driven decisions to enhance resource allocation and improve operational efficiency.
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More Insights

A key that uses AI to uncover exclusive insights about your space, building, and portfolio.

Experience more than just access control with b-line's Digital Access Wallet. Our AI-driven system not only provides seamless entry but also delivers deep insights into how your spaces are utilized, helping you make informed decisions to optimize operations.
Leverage AI to gain deep insights into how your spaces are used, identifying patterns and optimizing resource allocation.
Use real-time data to anticipate needs and streamline operations, ensuring a seamless experience for all users.
Benefit from AI-powered monitoring that detects unusual access patterns and improves overall property security.

Frequently Asked Questions

More questions? No problem! Take a look at the FAQs below.
What is b-line's Digital Wallet?

b-line's Digital Access Wallet B-Line's Digital Access Wallet is a secure, app-free solution that allows people to access secure areas using their smartphones, integrated with Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet. a seamless, app-free solution for secure digital access, integrated with Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet.

How does b-line's Digital Wallet work?

People store their digital keys in their existing digital wallets, providing seamless and secure access to designated areas simply by using their smartphones.

Do people need to download a separate app to use this digital access solution?

No, there is no need for an additional app. b-line's Digital Wallet works directly with Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, and Samsung Wallet.

What types of devices are compatible with b-line's Digital Wallet?

It is compatible with any device that supports Apple Wallet, Google Wallet, or Samsung Wallet, including both smartphones and smartwatches.

How secure is b-line's Digital Wallet?

The system uses advanced encryption and security protocols to ensure that digital keys are protected against unauthorized access, cloning, and other security breaches.

Can I integrate b-line's Digital Wallet with my existing access control systems?

Yes, b-line's Digital Wallet integrates seamlessly with your existing access control systems, avoiding the need for extensive infrastructure changes.

How does the AI-driven analytics feature benefit my property?

The AI-driven analytics provide detailed insights into space usage, helping you optimize resource allocation, improve operational efficiency, and make informed decisions.

Can I manage access permissions in real-time?

Yes, you can adjust access permissions in real-time, ensuring flexibility and maintaining security across your property.

How do people gain access using their digital wallets?

People simply present their smartphone or smartwatch to a compatible access point, and the digital key stored in their digital wallet grants them entry.

What happens if a person's device is lost or stolen?

Access can be quickly revoked for lost or stolen devices, ensuring security remains uncompromised and preventing unauthorized access.

Can the system handle large-scale deployments?

Yes, b-line's Digital Wallet is designed to scale and can handle large-scale deployments across multiple properties with ease.

Does the b-line Digital Wallet system offer analytics and reporting capabilities?

Yes, it features a robust analytics dashboard that provides insights into access trends, staff activity, and operational efficiency, helping management make informed decisions.

What type of customer support is available for the b-line Digital Wallet system?

A dedicated 24/7 support team is available to assist with any issues, providing technical support, system updates, and user assistance to ensure seamless operation.

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